Papers Tagged ‘Oxygen’
The ventilatory anaerobic threshold in heart failure: a multicenter evaluation of reliability
J Myers, RL Goldsmith, SJ Keteyian, CA Brawner, DA Brazil, H Aldred, JK Ehrman and D Burkhoff
J Card Fail 2010;16:76-83
Peak cardiac power measured noninvasively with a bioreactance technique is a predictor of adverse outcomes in patients with advanced heart failure
H Rosenblum, S Helmke, P Williams, S Teruya, M Jones, D Burkhoff, D Mancini and MS Maurer
Congest.Heart Fail 2010;16:254-258
End-Tidal CO2 Pressure and Cardiac Performance during Exercise in Heart Failure
J Myers, P Gujja, S Neelagaru, L Hsu, T Vittorio, T Jackson-Nelson and D Burkhoff
Med.Sci.Sports Exerc. 2009;41:19-25
Randomized, double blind study of non-excitatory, cardiac contractility modulation electrical impulses for symptomatic heart failure
MM Borggrefe, T Lawo, C Butter, H Schmidinger, M Lunati, B Pieske, AR Misier, A Curnis, D Bocker, A Remppis, J Kautzner, M Stuhlinger, C Leclerq, M Taborsky, M Frigerio, M Parides, D Burkhoff and G Hindricks
Eur Heart J 2008;29:1019-1028