Peak oxygen consumption (VO(2) ) during cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is a powerful predictor of survival, providing an indirect assessment of cardiac output (CO). Noninvasive indices of CO derived from bioreactance methodology would add significantly to peak VO(2) as a means of risk-stratifying patients with heart failure. In this study, 127 patients (53+/-14 years of age, 66% male) with heart failure and an average ejection fraction of 31%+/-15% underwent symptom-limited CPET using a bicycle ergometer while measuring CO noninvasively by a bioreactance technique. Peak cardiac power was derived from the product of the peak mean arterial blood pressure and CO divided by 451. Follow-up averaged 404+/-179 days (median, 366 days) to assess endpoints including death (n=3), heart transplant (n=10), or left ventricular assisted device implantation (n=2). Peak VO(2) and peak power had similar areas under the curve (0.77 and 0.76), which increased to 0.83 when combined. Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival curves demonstrated different outcomes in the subgroup with a VO(2)
Tags: blood, Blood Pressure, Cardiac output, clinical, exercise, heart, heart failure, male, New York, Oxygen, Oxygen Consumption, patients, predictor, pressure, Research, survival