Effect of arterial impedance changes on the end-systolic pressure-volume relation
WL Maughan, K Sunagawa, D Burkhoff and K Sagawa
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Quantitative comparison of the force-interval relationships of the canine right and left ventricles
D Burkhoff, DT Yue, MR Franz, WC Hunter and K Sagawa
Circulation Research 1984;54:468-473
Mechanical restitution of isolated perfused canine left ventricles
D Burkhoff, DT Yue, MR Franz, WC Hunter and K Sagawa
American Journal of Physiology 1984;246 (HCP 15):H8-H16
Left ventricular interaction with arterial load studied in isolated canine ventricle
K Sunagawa, WL Maughan, D Burkhoff and K Sagawa
American Journal of Physiology 1983;245 (HCP 14):H773-H780
Microprocessor control of a ventricular volume servo-pump
K Sunagawa, K Lim, D Burkhoff and K Sagawa
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 1982;10:145-159