Papers Tagged ‘monophasic action potential’
Mechanically induced action potential changes and arrhythmia in isolated and in situ canine hearts
MR Franz, D Burkhoff, DT Yue and K Sagawa
Cardiovascular Research 1989;23:213-223
In vitro validation of a new cardiac catheter technique for recording monophasic action potentials
MR Franz, D Burkhoff, H Spurgeon, ML Weisfeldt and EG Lakatta
European Heart Journal 1986;7:34-41
Mechanoelectrical feedback: independent role of preload and contractility in modulation of canine ventricular excitability
B Lerman, D Burkhoff, DT Yue, MR Franz and K Sagawa
Journal of Clinical Investigation 1985;76:1843-1850